It has been 9 days since I last saw a McDonalds. I do not miss it. It has been 9 days since I paid over 3 dollars per gallon for gas. I have not thought about bank statements, bills, or work in over 9 days. The bill for breakfast this morning was $4.12 for four grown men. That included 2 bottles of water and coffee. It has been 9 days since I had a hot shower. I am perfectly fine with that since it is so warm over here. I have not washed my hands with soap and water for 9 days. Hand sanitizer is wonderful stuff! I have not had a nice cold drink of tap water in 9 days nor do I want to for another 17. I have not stayed in one lane of traffic for more than 500 feet in over 9 days. I have prayed an extra prayer before each meal for 9 days asking God to keep this meal from causing me any sickness. In fact it is amazing how fragile you realize that your life is until you are exposed to a foreign culture. I have not had the opportunity to be disrupted by a cell phone call in 9 days. It has been ok. I have not seen a Walmart in 9 days. Believe it or not you can find anything you need in India in a one block radius just like in the United States of Walmart. I have never tasted such good fruit; fresh lime soda, mango, pomegranets, bananas. It has been 9 days since I kissed my wife and family goodbye. I do miss them. I have been able to write and call as often as I wanted.
So far it has been an experience that I will never forget. God has truly blessed the CLC and His Kingdom's work here likewise. I am still trying to figure out who is getting more from this experience - the Indians or us. Perhaps that question is not meant to be answered.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here blew.
Praise Him above you heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Rick Nelson
Mission Helper - India